Monday, October 29, 2018

Review: Sophie's Dilemma by Lauraine Snelling

She couldn't wait to leave the Red River Valley....

Certain she can't live without Hamre Bjorklund, the impetuous Sophie Knutson rejects her father's request to postpone her marriage until after graduation and convinces Hamre to elope. But far from her family, Sophie finds that life as a fisherman's bride in Ballard, Washington, is not all she had envisioned. Pregnant and lonely while Hamre is away at sea, she hires on at a fish cannery, only to be fired after fainting on the job.

When tragedy strikes, heartbroken Sophie can think only of returning home to Blessing. But will her family welcome her after the way she's hurt them by her defiant behavior?

Will she ever open her heart to love again?

I'm giving this book 4 stars. And I'm putting this in a paragraph just because.

Lauraine Snelling has become one of my favorite authors, and Blessing has become one of my favorite literary places to visit. I'm waiting for some that are on hold at the library because I read the ones I had and immediately started to miss the characters. The characters are so lovable. I started reading Blessing books in a really bad place, book 4 out of a fourth set of books, and I was so confused, but after reading this book From This Day Forward makes a ton more sense. But back to this book.... I loved Ingeborg and Kaaren. I loved seeing the ones who were grown up in FTDF back when they were teens. I saw so much growth in Sophie from the beginning of this book to the end of the book, although, some things never change. This was a really sad book, but not sad too. I enjoyed especially seeing how everyone was related. I did use the Bjorkland Family Tree in the beginning all the time, but it wasn't as confusing as before. Ugh.... I feel like I'm rambling and not saying what I want to say. Okay.... Sophie was a little wild and uncomfortable sometimes, but she mostly got over that and I could read the book. Forgiveness is a main theme, as well as letting God heal your grief. All-in-all, let's just say I will be rereading sometime in the future.

I don't know what's up with that picture.... Whatever. Sorry about that. Can't wait to hear from you. Have you read any of Lauraine's books? What's your favorite?

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Review: Beneath a Harvest Sky by Tracie Peterson

"Having fled a tainted past, Harvey House guide Rainy Gordon is alarmed to become a suspect in a theft. When all evidence points to her-despite her innocence-who will step forward to swear by her honor"

What a great book! This book was centered around Rainy's spiritual struggle and the truths in these pages were pointed and relevant. I was intrigued by this aspect of the Harvey company. The tours were truly remarkable. And I learned a plethora of new information. I'm impressed. I'm always pleased when someone writes a book about the American Indians and does it well. That's in part I suppose to my cousin's extreme obsession when I was younger. She taught me a lot. I love reading about twins, and Tracie seems to put them in lots of her stories! I loved watching Sonny and Rainy interacting. I also felt a tug of something that I can't find the word for while reading of Sonny's dreams to go to Alaska. Definitely my number one on the bucket list. And yes, it is Tracie's fault. And Kim Woodhouse too. I'm telling you what! Of course, there was a sweet romance throughout with some interesting wrenches. The bad guy, well, I almost didn't see him coming. I did though. Not early on, but I did. You know, I can't remember the last time I was so annoyed with a main character. Rainy was driving me crazy with all her jumping to conclusions. Give poor Duncan a chance, girl! All in all, a good read about the depression era southwest that shouldn't have taken me so long to read. {LOL} 4.5 stars for this standalone book in the Desert Roses series.

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Review: Sweet Sanctuary by Kim Vogel Sawyer

I've had this one in my drafts for a while, so I guess it's about time to hit publish, huh???

Set against the backdrop of WWII, Lydia and Micah both have secrets that they keep to protect lives. Lydia keeps secret the fact that her son is not hers by birth, as Nicky's birth father is a morphine addict. Micah helps his brother smuggle Jewish children into America to keep them safe from Hitler and his death camps. His life is in New York. Hers is in Boston. But these two keep looking to each other for comfort and help, even with such a distance between them.

I'm giving this book 5 stars.

1: I saw this on the library shelf and had to grab it. Kim Vogel Sawyer is one of my go to authors. I have yet to read one of her books that hasn't caused teary eyes or little giggles or strange halting motion as I jump off the couch in surprised delight or looking around for something to throw, because inevitably something will happen to want me to throw stuff. And this book was no exception!

2: I was very intrigued by Micah's ministry, not only the clinic but also with the children. It was really great, and while this wasn't the typical WWII novel with airplanes and soldiers, it hit on the small things in the war and the way it impacted those not sitting in the trenches.

3: Nic was possibly the most surprising plot twist ever. I'm not even sure what happened! And now I'm very conflicted about what I want to feel about him. What?

4: Lydia learning to wait patiently on the Lord was awesome. Between her and Micah and what they do to witness to all those around them.... goodness sake!

5: If I could talk about Nicky and Justina without a ton of spoilers I would because those two were beyond wonderful! (Sweet-heart!)

All-in-all, one of the most satisfying read in a while, and also one of my favorites by this author.

Monday, October 1, 2018

Nikolas Dietrich

Guys, meet my baby brother! I'm so excited! I love him so much, and I can't wait to hold him!

Induced at 38 Weeks 4 Days~ 20.5 inches long, 8 pounds and 12 ounces!