Saturday, January 22, 2022

Review: Ever Constant by Tracie Peterson and Kimberley Woodhouse

She's always determined to be the stable, reliable one. But now her commitment may destroy her.

On the surface, Whitney Powell is happy working with her sled dogs and welcoming the new additions to her family through her sisters' marriages and an upcoming birth. But her life is full of complications, including an estranged father, that have her on the edge of losing control. Growing up, she was the strong sister, and she can't give that up now.

When villagers in outlying areas come down with a horrible sickness, Dr. Peter Cameron turns to Whitney and her dogs for help navigating the deep snow, and they become close while ministering to the sick together. Peter has long recognized her finer qualities but is troubled by the emotions and secrets she keeps buried within. He wants to help but wonders if she is more of a risk than his heart can take.

As sickness spreads throughout Nome and another man courts Whitney, she and Peter will discover that sometimes it is only in weakness that you can find strength.

 It has been too long since I've been able to review a duo by these two, and too long since I've read an Alaska book. Ever Constant was the absolute BEST ending to this trilogy. The story was so poignant. Whitney, with her determination to be strong, always, and Peter, with his desire to compartmentalize all the emotions, really resonated with me. The emotions are high with this one, and especially if you've read books one and two (which is a definite must) then you'll be so attached to the characters that you've just got to go along for the ride. Seriously... this is probably the only book I have ever read that made me cry in chapter one. What's with that? (We talked about making Erica cry, Kim!) I loved seeing the changing relationship between Whitney and her dad. I loved Peter's patience and love. But mostly, I loved the reminders that God is the only one who is Ever Constant in this life, a message I too often forget. I was nowhere near ready to let this family go, but I'm thinking that since Chris has three younger children, and he still needs to resolve some issues with Matthew, that we've got the makings of another trilogy there... Just saying. Absolutely five out of five stars.

I received a copy of this book through NetGalley, but per usual, all opinions are honest and my own.

Saturday, January 8, 2022

Review: To Treasure an Heiress by Roseanna M White

Beth Tremayne has always been drawn to adventure. During her childhood, she fed that desire by exploring every inch of the Isles of Scilly. As an adolescent, she dreamed of love in London's ballrooms. Now, stumbling across an old map on her family's property, she's found more adventure than she ever craved in the hunt for pirate treasure. Unfortunately, Beth can't escape the attentions of her family's guest, Lord Sheridan.

Sheridan has spent years pursuing whatever archaeological interests caught his imagination. And when he discovers that Beth's search connects with one of his favorite pirates of history, he can't help getting involved. Plus, he finds her irresistible, even though she insists he stole a prized possession of hers.

As they work together following different clues and drawing closer to danger, they start to piece together a story of tragic love and piratical adventure. But the true surprise is the treasure they discover in each other.

 I promise, this is the last Roseanna M White review for at least two posts. But when my GORGEOUS print copy of To Treasure an Heiress came in the mail, I couldn't NOT read it, now could I? Especially a signed copy! Once again, I am in love. This book takes place literally right after book one in the series, and picks up right where we left off. The main difference is we get to follow flighty but fierce Beth around the isles, and laugh together over Sheridan's sense of humor. (Full confession, I made the dog very upset by laughing too hard while reading this one...) Some of Sheridan's views may seem a bit... well, wrong, on the surface, but I find that he is such a real character. Someone who is shocked when no one else sees that he isn't a heathen. Someone who cares deeply. Someone who just can't stand up to his crazy older sisters. One who is inexplicably best friends with the character I was determined to hate after his behavior in book one, but who may or may not be growing on me just in time for his own book. (Looking at you, Telly...) Mamm-wynn is once again, amazing and just exactly what she needs to be. Senara took the third POV character, and I loved the wisdom that Ainsley and Senara's mam both poured into her. There were so many good things that happened in this story, even through the bad things, that I couldn't stop reading. (Even gave myself two migraines trying to read it on kindle before my print copy came...) If you're ready for some pirate treasure hunting in the most beautiful place you could be in 1906, then this book is definitely where it's at.

Monday, January 3, 2022

Review: The Nature of a Lady by Roseanna M White

Lady Elizabeth "Libby" Sinclair, with her love of microscopes and nature, isn't favored in society. She flees to the beautiful Isles of Scilly for the summer and stumbles into the dangerous secrets left behind by her holiday cottage's former occupant, also named Elizabeth, who mysteriously vanished. 

Oliver Tremayne--gentleman and clergyman--is determined to discover what happened to his sister, and he's happy to accept the help of the girl now living in what should have been Beth's summer cottage . . . especially when he realizes it's the curious young lady he met briefly two years ago, who shares his love of botany and biology. But the hunt for his sister involves far more than nature walks, and he can't quite believe all the secrets Beth had been keeping from him.

As Libby and Oliver work together, they find ancient legends, pirate wrecks, betrayal, and the most mysterious phenomenon of all: love.

 It's not often that I review the same author here twice in a row. Much less two days in a row, but I must. When I started this book, I was determined that I would NOT like it. It was so very opposite of everything that I had read from Roseanna M White so far. Not set in London. Not set in the 1920s. No sneak appearances of Brook. No, not something I was prepared to like. But oh, I was wrong. Despite myself, I fell for the characters. I fell for the place. I fell for the time. I fell, first, for Mamm-wynn. By the second half, I was laughing so hard. As many tears as A Portrait of Loyalty brought me, this brought me laughter. What's more, something mon papa is so quick to say to me was written almost word for word. "Always a choice." I showed him, and he approved. I honestly didn't know where Libby's obsession with Darwin was going, but I don't think it went too far, though I was nervous for a minute or two. Yes, this is just the lovely sort of tale I needed, but didn't know. I can't wait to read Beth's story next. Unexpected, but not surprising, this new series is a hit!

Sunday, January 2, 2022

Review: A Portrait of Loyalty by Roseanna M White

Zivon Marin was one of Russia's top cryptographers until the October Revolution tore apart his world. Forced to flee to England after speaking out against Lenin, Zivon is driven by a growing anger and determined to offer his services to the Brits. But never far from his mind is his brother, whom Zivon fears died in the train crash that separated them.

Lily Blackwell sees the world best through the lens of a camera and possesses unsurpassed skill when it comes to retouching and re-creating photographs. With her father's connections in propaganda, she's recruited to the intelligence division, even though her mother would disapprove if she ever found out.

After Captain Blackwell invites Zivon to dinner one evening, a friendship blooms between him and Lily that soon takes over their hearts. But both have secrets they're unwilling to share, and neither is entirely sure they can trust the other. When Zivon's loyalties are called into question, proving him honest is about more than one couple's future dreams--it becomes a matter of ending the war.

 I can't believe that it took me this long to read this book. I knew I loved everything I had read by this author, but at the same time, I wasn't in the mood, I thought. Yesterday, I decided to make this my first read of the new year and I am devastated. This book absolutely broke my heart. I had to stop reading in the middle and take five to sob my heart out. The artistry in this book is just beyond. I haven't cried so hard over a book in years. Each and every character was perfect, and somehow even the people I hated became people I loved, which I sure didn't think would happen the first time I saw them. I love how characters from the previous books were woven in: Brook, Margot, Barclay, Camden and Ara, Blinker Hall. At first, I didn't think there would be enough chemistry between the MCs but I was so very wrong. This may have been the perfect ending to a world I've come to love over the past several years. But following all of WWI from beginning to end had such a feeling of accomplishment. I absolutely recommend this book, this series, all three series that cover this basic time period and locale. I can already see this book being one of my top for all of 2022.