Saturday, May 12, 2018

Review: The Pirate Bride by Kathleen Y'Barbo

Here is the "back of the book" blurb, cause I'm way tooo emotionally riled up to do this. I may not even be able to get through the review. My mom says I'm being a little too dramatic today, but phooey on that!  (I apologize in advance!) 

The last time New Orleans attorney Jean-Luc Valmont saw Maribel Cordoba, a Spanish nobleman's daughter, she was an eleven-year-old orphan perched in the riggings of his privateering vessel proving herself as the best lookout on his crew. Until the day his infamy caught up with them all and innocent lives were lost. 
Unsure why he survived but vowing to make amends, Jean-Luc has buried his pasty life so deep that no one will find it - until a very much alive and very grown up Maribel Cordoba arrives on his doorstep and threatens all he now holds dear. 
Twelve years after Maribel was pulled from the sea and deposited in an orphanage, hazy memories and vaguely recollected stories all collide in the presence of a man she never really forgot. 
But falling in love with Maribel could cost Jean-Luc everything.

Okey dokey..... Here goes.... First off, I can't resist giving this book 5 stars. That being said... WHAT THE WORLD!!!!! Okay, so basically this happens to me anytime I read a book where one of the characters has lost their memory, or portions of it. And boy oh boy! My mom kept giving me these crazy looks cause I was screaming and almost crying and so frustrated when the author would give a soft tug on a thread that I really wished she would just jerk! But I think I'm going to try and do this methodically. Start at the very beginning.... (Yes, I sang that in my head...) I loved the fact that she spent half of the book on Maribel as a child. I love love LOVE getting to see my favorite characters as kids. That's one thing that I dislike about a bunch of books is that we get like three paragraphs of them as a kid and then boom! 15 years later! But anywho... I digress. I don't read about pirates privateers... like ever! And this story was so perfect that I want to add a lot of nautical tales to my shelves. The storyline was great. I loved the characters. They were perfect! Maribel, Jean-Luc, Israel, Rao, Will Spencer, Evan Connor, Mother Superior, and Abigail... My goodness! They wove together to make a brilliant story that I was downright mad to have end. I feel like there were enough loose ends to tie up that we could have been graced with at least two more chapters. It felt a little rushed there at the end, but nevertheless, I enjoyed this story immensely. And I haven't been this vocal/loud while reading since In Every Heartbeat by Kim Vogel Sawyer (which review I have yet to publish because the rant on there was pretty bad... I still get mad sometimes just to look at the book.... It's ridiculous really! But again I digress!!!) Anyway... The point of all this hoo-hah and nonsense is basically that you need to go buy this book and read it... basically right now. Just ignore the fact that you're cooking dinner or picking up your kids from their soccer game, and go buy the book. Also, if you haven't read its companion The Mayflower Bride by Kim Woodhouse then you ought to grab that one as well. I can't wait to continue reading this series. [Daughters of the Mayflower... Barbour Publishing. The next book is The Captured Bride by Michelle Griep.] 

I hope that the craziness of that 'paragraph' didn't vex you. I can't say enough about how much I loved this book, even though I was a little skeptic at first, since I hadn't heard of the author. Trust me... it's great but I have to stop now lest I am tempted to spoil the whole thing. 

And look at the cool cover. 

Here is the Amazon link:

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