Friday, January 19, 2024

Audiobook Review: Authentically Izzy by Pepper Basham

Izzy Edgewood is a wannabe bookstore owner, quote queen, and Lord of the Rings nerd who has been waiting for Prince Charming to sweep her off her sneakered feet. But it’s hard to meet people when you spend more time with fictional humans than real ones. Which is why her pragmatist cousin Josephine decides to take Izzy’s future into her own meddling hands and create an online dating profile for the hopeful romantic.

To Izzy’s shock (and suspicion), Josie’s plan works. Soon, she’s dialoguing with a Hobbit-loving man named Brodie who lives in a small town an ocean away from her home in the Blue Ridge Mountains. But is their shared love of books, family, and correspondence enough to overcome Izzy’s fear of flying and the literal distance between them? And is a long-distance relationship even worth considering when a local author has been frequenting the library where she works and is proving to be a perfectly fine gentleman?

 I had only ever read Pepper's historical fiction, but when I saw that my reading challenge for the month was to read something from my state, well, I knew she was the only one who could give me the NC fix I needed! (Side note for Izzy, though, the Winston-Salem mall, really? Of all the malls?) Authentically Izzy is the perfect epistolary rom-com book I didn't know I needed. Poor Izzy, I identify with her so well. The bookish sort who finds social interactions mildly stressful unless the topic happens to be books- yep, that's me! (Although, Penelope does have my love for Julie Andrews... but I digress.) When I found the audiobook for this, I was delighted. And then, to discover it was dual narrated? Be still my heart! Watching Izzy and Brody's romance unfurl almost made me want to sign myself up for Heart2Heart, lol! And Luke! I am dying for Luke's book to come out! It's already on preorder. What a wonderful family, those Edgewoods! If you're looking for a great book to snuggle up with while waiting for the plows to clear the roads, and if you love obscure references to Andy Griffith episodes that you lowkey have memorized... May I suggest Authentically Izzy? 

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