Ибо так возлюбил Бог мир, что отдал Сына Своего Единородного, дабы всякий верующий в Него, не погиб, но имел хизнь вечную.
While I receive many books in exchange for review, I am never required to leave a positive review. All thoughts and opinions are my very own.
Saturday, February 25, 2017
Chit Chat
So, I just wanted to pause and take a moment and say a few things. This month has been crazy! I've posted 24 times (this post makes 25) this month, which is an insane amount. I'm going to have to slow it down at least a little! I love posting every day, I do! But next month is probably not going to have as many posts. I am excited that next month I'll be reviewing Movement of Crowns (hopefully) and a new Tracie Peterson book (Yay!). Next month is also the one year Blogversary of Live. Love. Read. and I'm hoping to come up with a special way to celebrate. Trying. Also coming up soon is a review of the book featured in next week's W-o-W! Also, if you guys have ideas on what posts I should do, or questions for me to answer in my answer a question posts please comment them. Also, I counted, and according to what I have written down (and I hope I haven't missed anyone) there have been visitors to this blog from 30 countries, from all 6 habitable continents! I can't say how very much that means to me! Thank you! (now if I could just get a few of you to subscribe ;) *cough* and +1 /tweet/pin) Also, I finally signed up for NetGalley! It's incredible!
Friday, February 24, 2017
BookApp of the Week: Overdrive
I had this app on my phone, but it was just to small and wasn't working that well. I much prefer using the website. It uses your library card to check out ebooks. You can have 6 holds and 5 check outs at a time. You can have the books for 21 days. Formats include EPub and Kindle. Which I love since I can send the book directly to my kindle app.
Thursday, February 23, 2017
Meet the Author: Lea Waterhouse
I'm very excited (like so excited I can't even! {no references need be made to this article!}) to share my very first author interview with you guys! Her name is Lea Waterhouse and, coinciding with today's interview, her first Christian YA book is set to come out! You may remember that a few days ago I posted my review of it. In case you missed that here's a link.
And without further ado, here are the questions and Lea's answers!
And without further ado, here are the questions and Lea's answers!
What was your first book?
Lea: Dawn on the Road is my first published book--I'm SO excited!
What has been the most encouraging comment you've gotten on a book?
Lea: The most encouraging comment was from Girlz 4 Christ Magazine's editor, Jessica Lippe. She wrote: "As a Christian who craves adventure, I could definitely resonate with Dawn and Justin on their trip up the West Coast. But more than a journey to see the sights, they are on a spiritual journey to find their purpose, and ultimately to find God. Dawn on the Road will give hope to those facing the tough choices that come during the teen years." This was so encouraging because she got from the book what I was aiming to do.
Which of your characters would you want to be your best friend?
Lea: Justin, for sure. I want to be on the back of his motorcycle heading out on the open road...to anywhere. His awkwardness as a new Christian is endearing too.
Who was your favorite author growing up and why?
Lea: Robin Jones Gunn. The first Christy Miller book lead me to Christ. That series inspired me to write Dawn on the Road, to hopefully encourage other young women, as Gunn's books encouraged me.
Outline or Make it up as you go?
Lea: I definitely outline, but my characters surprise me sometimes. Dawn and Justin were originally supposed to travel to Minneapolis to an art show, and instead headed up to Vancouver to an art school preview. Evidently they felt like a West Coast road trip instead!
What is your cure for writer's block? Or do you even get that?
Lea: Reading beautifully written books reinvigorates my creativity.
What social media do you like to share your works through most? How can readers best connect with you?
Lea: Twitter is a great way; I'm @LeaWaterhouse (follow her here). I'm not great at social media, actually--I tend to turn my phone off to fully experience whatever I'm doing (otherwise, I'm highly distractible!), but then I catch up with readers at night.
Here is a blurb from her book Dawn on the Road! Enjoy!
She’s here for the ride. For the road. For inspiration.
Dawn Berlin dreams of adventure, inspiration, and to feel something deeper. She’s certain that art will be the catalyst for these goals, except that the adults around her think she’s not being realistic. When Justin Devenport returns to her life the summer before her senior year, he convinces her to find inspiration on the road. Now she’s off, perched on the back of his motorcycle, heading up the coast to a preview weekend at an art school.
It isn’t long before Dawn realizes Justin’s view of inspiration is quite different than hers. He believes it comes from a God she was taught absolutely does not exist.
On the road, maybe she’ll find a friendship renewed. Maybe art. Maybe even love. Or perhaps she’ll find all three wrapped up in a different kind of inspiration, but only if Dawn can break from her upbringing, open her heart, and figure out what she believes.
You can buy her book here!!!
Have more questions for Lea? Please feel free to ask her on Twitter (use #AskLea and tag her using @LeaWaterhouse ) or leave them in the comments below! We'd both love to hear your questions!
Wednesday, February 22, 2017
Waiting-on-Wednesday: Death at Thorburn Hall by Julianna Deering
This is the 6th book on the Drew Farthering series, which, you may or may not have gathered from this review , I am a big fan of! It's set to come out this fall and I am counting down the days. I'm not sure what it's about but I know it's set during the 1935 British Open and that I'm going to love it!
(This is the cover for book one, which I can't wait to get my hands on)
Waiting-on-Wednesday is hosted here
(This is the cover for book one, which I can't wait to get my hands on)
Waiting-on-Wednesday is hosted here
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
Review: Nick Newton Is Not A Genius by S.E.M. Ishida
Nick's entire family is genius. But not Nick. When Nick finds a robot bird in his attic and puts it together it leads him on an amazing journey to discover things about his grandfather that no one ever knew! Nick Newton may not be a genius, but he is amazing!
I enjoyed this book a lot (even though this review may not make it look that way. The thing is that I struggle with reviewing short books). I'm going with 5 stars here!
1: This book is perfect for third-fifth graders I would say. It was a pretty quick read for me, but it'd probably not be for them.
2: This was a really unique book. I've never read a children's book quite like it(especially from this publisher). The plot was really creative! And it had a really happy, satisfactory, fulfilling ending.
3: I loved all the characters. They were really well-rounded, especially for a kid's book! And unique! Especially Jude! Also, don't believe all the rumors you hear about people, especially about them being robots! Plink is so cute! She's guaranteed to capture the heart of every reader! I want a Plink!
4: The pictures and especially the cover are all amazing!
5: I laughed (a lot) with this book! Especially finding out who the owner of the purple mansion was. This book will probably have kids in stitches!
I received this book through NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.
I enjoyed this book a lot (even though this review may not make it look that way. The thing is that I struggle with reviewing short books). I'm going with 5 stars here!
1: This book is perfect for third-fifth graders I would say. It was a pretty quick read for me, but it'd probably not be for them.
2: This was a really unique book. I've never read a children's book quite like it(especially from this publisher). The plot was really creative! And it had a really happy, satisfactory, fulfilling ending.
3: I loved all the characters. They were really well-rounded, especially for a kid's book! And unique! Especially Jude! Also, don't believe all the rumors you hear about people, especially about them being robots! Plink is so cute! She's guaranteed to capture the heart of every reader! I want a Plink!
4: The pictures and especially the cover are all amazing!
5: I laughed (a lot) with this book! Especially finding out who the owner of the purple mansion was. This book will probably have kids in stitches!
I received this book through NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.
Monday, February 20, 2017
Review: Redeeming Grace by Jill Eileen Smith
Blog Tour Dates Feb20-Mar6
Naomi follows her husband and sons to Moab to escape the famine. While there her husband dies, leaving Naomi powerless to stop her sons from taking Moabite wives. After a decade of marriage to Ruth and Orpah, Mahlon and Chillion die. Naomi decides to take her daughters-in-law back to Israel, but on the way decides to send them back to Moab. Orpah goes, but Ruth refuses and returns to Israel with Naomi. There, Ruth gleans in the fields of Boaz to provide for the two of them.
This book is worth 5 stars!
1: As far as I could tell, this book was incredibly accurate! The research that's been done is evident. 85 verses of the Bible transformed into 350 pages of amazing literature!
2: So, like the book of the Bible, the romance level is a 10. A really big 10.
3: This book contained so many names of God. Yahweh, Jehovah, Adonai, Elohim, Almighty.
4: I love the characters. They truly come to life. And to read this at the same time that I was studying Ruth, completely coincidently, was an incredible experience. And much of the dialogue, I recognized as direct quotes from Scripture. My favorite passage in Ruth is definitely her declaration of "Where you go, I will go, where you stay I will stay, your people shall be my people, and your God, my God" That is seriously going in my wedding.
5: This book most definitely highlights the differences between the awful religion of the Moabites and the perfection of true worship of God. Also, how much change Ruth had to get used to.
I received this book in exchange for my honest review.
Naomi follows her husband and sons to Moab to escape the famine. While there her husband dies, leaving Naomi powerless to stop her sons from taking Moabite wives. After a decade of marriage to Ruth and Orpah, Mahlon and Chillion die. Naomi decides to take her daughters-in-law back to Israel, but on the way decides to send them back to Moab. Orpah goes, but Ruth refuses and returns to Israel with Naomi. There, Ruth gleans in the fields of Boaz to provide for the two of them.
This book is worth 5 stars!
1: As far as I could tell, this book was incredibly accurate! The research that's been done is evident. 85 verses of the Bible transformed into 350 pages of amazing literature!
2: So, like the book of the Bible, the romance level is a 10. A really big 10.
3: This book contained so many names of God. Yahweh, Jehovah, Adonai, Elohim, Almighty.
4: I love the characters. They truly come to life. And to read this at the same time that I was studying Ruth, completely coincidently, was an incredible experience. And much of the dialogue, I recognized as direct quotes from Scripture. My favorite passage in Ruth is definitely her declaration of "Where you go, I will go, where you stay I will stay, your people shall be my people, and your God, my God" That is seriously going in my wedding.
5: This book most definitely highlights the differences between the awful religion of the Moabites and the perfection of true worship of God. Also, how much change Ruth had to get used to.
I received this book in exchange for my honest review.
Sunday, February 19, 2017
Answer a Question: What's the best retail site to use to post a book review?
My favorite retailer to post my reviews on is Books-A-Million. Their format is very user friendly. You are given options for pros, and for cons, and you can add your own. They have an option for if you received the product in exchange for an honest review. You can pick what level of reader you are from occasional to bookworm. It's my absolute favorite place to post a review (retailer wise). What is your's? Tell me in the comments!
Saturday, February 18, 2017
Review: Murder on the Moor by Julianna Deering
In this Poirot-isque novel Drew and Madeline are called on to solve the murder of a village vicar, someone with no enemies. While investigating that murder, an old woman who used to be a governess is also murdered. She had no enemies either and Drew is hard-pressed to find either suspect or motive. Added to it all, someone's cut the brake lines on a car, and there's a huge dog running around leaving spectral footprints! Also, this is fourth or fifth in the series I think. How have I never read these before????
I believe I'll give this book 5 stars!
1: I was absolutely positively transported back in time! I could feel myself there, and not here. I was gone. (I would so watch this if it were a movie!)
2: So this plot was so crazy! The only thing I explained correctly was the source of the huge paw prints! The killer was not who I expected it to be, in more ways than one! Don't jump to conclusions! Ever. Also, I may regret reading this right before bed...
3: Madeline and Drew are the perfect couple! Their teamwork and devotion is so amazing! Help!!! I can't!
4: I loved all the characters! Everyone was so real! Even the ones without many lines... I feel that I'd recognize them if I were to ever meet them! (Don't worry, I haven't gone off the deep end. A very small part of me does recognize the fictionality of this work. Also, did I just make up a word?)
5: I absolutely loved the references to classical literature such as the Bronte sisters and Sir Arthur Canon Doyle! Anyone that is a classic lover will enjoy that aspect to this amazing(!!!!) mystery!
I received this book in exchange for my honest review.
I believe I'll give this book 5 stars!
1: I was absolutely positively transported back in time! I could feel myself there, and not here. I was gone. (I would so watch this if it were a movie!)
2: So this plot was so crazy! The only thing I explained correctly was the source of the huge paw prints! The killer was not who I expected it to be, in more ways than one! Don't jump to conclusions! Ever. Also, I may regret reading this right before bed...
3: Madeline and Drew are the perfect couple! Their teamwork and devotion is so amazing! Help!!! I can't!
4: I loved all the characters! Everyone was so real! Even the ones without many lines... I feel that I'd recognize them if I were to ever meet them! (Don't worry, I haven't gone off the deep end. A very small part of me does recognize the fictionality of this work. Also, did I just make up a word?)
5: I absolutely loved the references to classical literature such as the Bronte sisters and Sir Arthur Canon Doyle! Anyone that is a classic lover will enjoy that aspect to this amazing(!!!!) mystery!
I received this book in exchange for my honest review.
Review (and look-forward to the 23rd):Dawn on the Road by Lea Waterhouse
Dawn is 16 and with a dream. She wants to go to art school. In Vancouver. But to get there she needs to take a road trip with Justin, her childhood friend. Turns out, this road trip might lead to more than a school. (So if that's not a good enough summary for you, keep tuned. Feb 23 is the day I'm posting the author interview with Lea, and it'll have the official blurb.)
I'm giving this book 4.5 stars.
1: The story line was really quite unique. I enjoyed the trip to Vancouver very much. I felt myself taking the journey with Dawn and Justin. The cover is beautiful, and it's books like this that make me wish I was into photography! And especially for a first book, this was great!
2: The emphasis on creation was beautiful. And one of the most important things to believe, biblically speaking. If you can't believe Gen 1:1, how can you believe John 3:16?
3: The reason this lost half a star is because frequent use of OMG and darn/dang. Also, uncomfortable thought process of a non-Christian, an atheist more specifically (which did change, so yeah) but still... I was a little 😐... (which I can easily be discomfited, I'm pretty conservative...)
4: This is a fast(ish) read. Although it only has 8 chapters, it took 2 hours(ish) to read. A one-afternoon-er. Such a sweet little book. Perfect length.
5: I loved the way this book touched on the fact that salvation isn't something that must happen in a church. Prayer isn't something that should be memorized and rolled out like a speech for class. It's in your heart, which He knows.
Thank you Lea, for sharing your beautiful book with me!
Ready to learn more about Dawn, Justin, and their journey? February 23 is the day Dawn on the Road comes out. And.... The day Lea's author interview will be posted here! Make sure to follow so that you don't miss this! I can't wait! You're going to love it!
I'm giving this book 4.5 stars.
1: The story line was really quite unique. I enjoyed the trip to Vancouver very much. I felt myself taking the journey with Dawn and Justin. The cover is beautiful, and it's books like this that make me wish I was into photography! And especially for a first book, this was great!
2: The emphasis on creation was beautiful. And one of the most important things to believe, biblically speaking. If you can't believe Gen 1:1, how can you believe John 3:16?
3: The reason this lost half a star is because frequent use of OMG and darn/dang. Also, uncomfortable thought process of a non-Christian, an atheist more specifically (which did change, so yeah) but still... I was a little 😐... (which I can easily be discomfited, I'm pretty conservative...)
4: This is a fast(ish) read. Although it only has 8 chapters, it took 2 hours(ish) to read. A one-afternoon-er. Such a sweet little book. Perfect length.
5: I loved the way this book touched on the fact that salvation isn't something that must happen in a church. Prayer isn't something that should be memorized and rolled out like a speech for class. It's in your heart, which He knows.
Thank you Lea, for sharing your beautiful book with me!
Ready to learn more about Dawn, Justin, and their journey? February 23 is the day Dawn on the Road comes out. And.... The day Lea's author interview will be posted here! Make sure to follow so that you don't miss this! I can't wait! You're going to love it!
Friday, February 17, 2017
BookApp of the Week: BookBub
BookBub isn't actually an app. It's a website that sends you emails tailored to your book selections. These emails contain new release updates from your favorite authors & free and discounted books in your favorite genres and authors. I love getting this email. I have such a large collection of ebooks ready for me to read now that I've signed up for BookBub. And it only sends me emails I want to see. No spam. Just emails that deal with the authors/genres that I chose when signing up. And don't worry, you can always go back in and add more authors afterwards if you forgot one. It offers free ebooks for Kindle, iPhone, Nook, and a few others! And, also free to sign up for! Yay for free stuff!
Wednesday, February 15, 2017
Waiting-On-Wednesday: The Chapel Car Bride by Judith Miller
I've been a big fan of Judith Miller for a few years now. While looking through the Coming soon section of Bethany House Publishers I saw this. It's set to release in April this year! So far all the books for my Waiting-On-Wednesday are coming out in April...
Here is the plot summary from Bethany House.
After a sheltered life in Pittsburgh, Hope Irvine is ready for a new adventure. When her father takes a position as a preacher in a railroad car converted into a traveling church, she's thrilled at the chance to accompany him. While accommodations in their new chapel car home are tight, Hope couldn't be happier putting her musical skills to good use and ministering to the people of West Virginia alongside her father. But when their chapel car arrives in Finch, West Virginia, they find a coal mining community that has hit hard times and is suspicious of outsiders.
Luke Hughes works for the coal mine when he can, but the struggling company doesn't always offer steady work. When Reverend Irvine and Hope arrive in town, Luke is intrigued by what the reverend can teach him--and by the lovely and kind Hope.
When Hope's desire to bring supplies and Sunday school classes to neighboring counties leads to her traveling with a flirtatious young mine manager, Luke is hard-pressed to suppress his jealousy. But when he begins to suspect the manager's motives are less than charitable, can he prove it without hurting Hope, or worse, putting her in danger?
Waiting on Wednesday is hosted here
Here is the plot summary from Bethany House.
After a sheltered life in Pittsburgh, Hope Irvine is ready for a new adventure. When her father takes a position as a preacher in a railroad car converted into a traveling church, she's thrilled at the chance to accompany him. While accommodations in their new chapel car home are tight, Hope couldn't be happier putting her musical skills to good use and ministering to the people of West Virginia alongside her father. But when their chapel car arrives in Finch, West Virginia, they find a coal mining community that has hit hard times and is suspicious of outsiders.
Luke Hughes works for the coal mine when he can, but the struggling company doesn't always offer steady work. When Reverend Irvine and Hope arrive in town, Luke is intrigued by what the reverend can teach him--and by the lovely and kind Hope.
When Hope's desire to bring supplies and Sunday school classes to neighboring counties leads to her traveling with a flirtatious young mine manager, Luke is hard-pressed to suppress his jealousy. But when he begins to suspect the manager's motives are less than charitable, can he prove it without hurting Hope, or worse, putting her in danger?
Waiting on Wednesday is hosted here
Tuesday, February 14, 2017
Review: Pride and Prejudice (Valentine's-y huh) by Jane Austen
I've been trying to think up a good book to do for Valentine's.... And then it came to me... Like a flash! Who is the queen of classical romance? Jane Austen, of course!
Pride and Prejudice is the story of Mr. Darcy and Lizzy. The two hate each other, but for assumptions based on pride and prejudice, not for any real reason! Of course, in true Austen fashion, Lizzy and Darcy work things out and are happily married! (I seriously hope that wasn't a spoiler... but it's Jane Austen. Everyone marries in her books!) The only things that they have to work through are catty neighbors/jealous rivals, and a lil bit of pride, and prejudice of course!
This book is a 5!
1: This is my favorite Jane Austen book that I've read... Which is admittedly only two, but I've watched some fairly accurate movies based off of these stories and I still think this one has the best plot!
2: Caroline Bingley is honestly.... she's probably on my list of top literary characters to hate! She's a snob, and a gossip, and she is really horrible in every way imaginable! She makes a great antagonist. A strongly written, weak charactered character...
3: So there are five daughters right? Lizzy and Jane get the most time... Lydia, with Kitty playing more of a sidekick role there, gets next most (she's really quite immature...) and then there's Mary.... the middle kid who everyone seems to forget. Sometimes I wonder if Austen herself didn't sometimes forget about Mary!
4: This is seriously a sweet romance. Once they get past all that junk. And by junk I refer you to point number 2. If you are in love with romance, then you can't go wrong here!
5: Also, it's always great if there's a "moral to the story" so to speak. This one is quite easily seen! Pride and Prejudice are two vices that keep you away from your beloved. But they do cause some frightfully amusing scenes! Don't worry! This story quite rarely takes a dip of spirits. It's generally quite light.(though maybe a bit wordy in places *shrug*)
Pride and Prejudice is the story of Mr. Darcy and Lizzy. The two hate each other, but for assumptions based on pride and prejudice, not for any real reason! Of course, in true Austen fashion, Lizzy and Darcy work things out and are happily married! (I seriously hope that wasn't a spoiler... but it's Jane Austen. Everyone marries in her books!) The only things that they have to work through are catty neighbors/jealous rivals, and a lil bit of pride, and prejudice of course!
This book is a 5!
1: This is my favorite Jane Austen book that I've read... Which is admittedly only two, but I've watched some fairly accurate movies based off of these stories and I still think this one has the best plot!
2: Caroline Bingley is honestly.... she's probably on my list of top literary characters to hate! She's a snob, and a gossip, and she is really horrible in every way imaginable! She makes a great antagonist. A strongly written, weak charactered character...
3: So there are five daughters right? Lizzy and Jane get the most time... Lydia, with Kitty playing more of a sidekick role there, gets next most (she's really quite immature...) and then there's Mary.... the middle kid who everyone seems to forget. Sometimes I wonder if Austen herself didn't sometimes forget about Mary!
4: This is seriously a sweet romance. Once they get past all that junk. And by junk I refer you to point number 2. If you are in love with romance, then you can't go wrong here!
5: Also, it's always great if there's a "moral to the story" so to speak. This one is quite easily seen! Pride and Prejudice are two vices that keep you away from your beloved. But they do cause some frightfully amusing scenes! Don't worry! This story quite rarely takes a dip of spirits. It's generally quite light.(though maybe a bit wordy in places *shrug*)
Monday, February 13, 2017
Review: Moving Target by Lynette Eason
Blog Tour Dates Feb13-27
Some psycho has Maddy McKay and Quinn Holcombe trapped on an island. A booby-trapped island with spear-pits, poison darts, crossbows, trip-wires, and like literally every other psycho way to kill someone, slowly and painfully. They have to work together to figure out a way to get off of the island, preferably still breathing.
I have no words. I cannot describe how badly I need to give this its 5 stars!
1: Okay, so this is the scariest mystery I've read in like forever. As in, I'm gonna be watching a few sappy movies tonight just to make sure I don't have scary dreams. But it was amazing!!! Like the right kind of scary. Adrenaline rushing, heart pumping, so good you can hardly bear to keep reading because of all the built-up suspense.
2: The details were exquisite. I could see quite clearly the island, and all its many horrors.
3: The characters had such dimension, and truly realistic conflicting feelings, and they were very strong characters, not just written well but also strong personalities.
4: The plot was fast-moving. No room to slow down. This gets added to my "Pile of Books I Read In One Sitting" stack.
5: The villain was seriously the most psychotic scary person I've seen in a book in so long. Most often, the villain isn't as well developed as the good guys, but not so here. This is a must read for a thrill seeking mystery reader.
I received this book in exchange for my honest review.
Some psycho has Maddy McKay and Quinn Holcombe trapped on an island. A booby-trapped island with spear-pits, poison darts, crossbows, trip-wires, and like literally every other psycho way to kill someone, slowly and painfully. They have to work together to figure out a way to get off of the island, preferably still breathing.
I have no words. I cannot describe how badly I need to give this its 5 stars!
1: Okay, so this is the scariest mystery I've read in like forever. As in, I'm gonna be watching a few sappy movies tonight just to make sure I don't have scary dreams. But it was amazing!!! Like the right kind of scary. Adrenaline rushing, heart pumping, so good you can hardly bear to keep reading because of all the built-up suspense.
2: The details were exquisite. I could see quite clearly the island, and all its many horrors.
3: The characters had such dimension, and truly realistic conflicting feelings, and they were very strong characters, not just written well but also strong personalities.
4: The plot was fast-moving. No room to slow down. This gets added to my "Pile of Books I Read In One Sitting" stack.
5: The villain was seriously the most psychotic scary person I've seen in a book in so long. Most often, the villain isn't as well developed as the good guys, but not so here. This is a must read for a thrill seeking mystery reader.
I received this book in exchange for my honest review.
Sunday, February 12, 2017
Review: King of Average by Gary Schwartz
James is an average 11 year old. He's not tall, he's not short. He's not super athletic, but he's not clueless on the ball field. He's a straight C student. James figures that he might just be the most average person in the world. Maybe even the king of average. And suddenly, he finds himself on a journey to really be the King of Average!
I'm giving this book a nice average middle-of-the-road 3 stars (just kidding, I'm totally going with 5, I just wanted to make that joke...)
1: This book was unlike any book I've read. It was funny, and yet serious. The main character wasn't a typical hero. Instead, he was an average kid, proving that you don't have to be extraordinary to be extraordinary. I think that's a really important message to send to kids.
2: The plot, if there is even a way to describe it, was a bit of a mix between allegory, satire, and irony. With a dash of something that I can't put my finger on. Like Alice in Wonderland meets The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe meets Gulliver's Travels meets Mary Poppins. So unique!
3: The characters were so funny! Kiljoy (he's a professional pessimist) and Monsieur Roget (the optimist), Mayor Culpa (a real live scape-goat), the Ninnies (they really did believe anything they were told) and the people of all the different lands(acting accordingly) added a lot to the story! The punny names were amazing!!
4: The different lands included Accusia (the king was a brat who always blamed others), Serenity Spa(a really good place to get peace of mind) , the Flatterlands (people there really had their heads turned), and Uppity (a place for snobs). The funny word-play led to a lot of enjoyment while reading this! I think kids would love this book!
5: It was so sad how James's mother treated him, but thanks to Ah-Ha, I think James really found that he wasn't to blame for that. I think he found a new compassion for his mom, and another reason to keep on loving her although there were no signs that she loved him back.
I'm giving this book a nice average middle-of-the-road 3 stars (just kidding, I'm totally going with 5, I just wanted to make that joke...)
1: This book was unlike any book I've read. It was funny, and yet serious. The main character wasn't a typical hero. Instead, he was an average kid, proving that you don't have to be extraordinary to be extraordinary. I think that's a really important message to send to kids.
2: The plot, if there is even a way to describe it, was a bit of a mix between allegory, satire, and irony. With a dash of something that I can't put my finger on. Like Alice in Wonderland meets The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe meets Gulliver's Travels meets Mary Poppins. So unique!
3: The characters were so funny! Kiljoy (he's a professional pessimist) and Monsieur Roget (the optimist), Mayor Culpa (a real live scape-goat), the Ninnies (they really did believe anything they were told) and the people of all the different lands(acting accordingly) added a lot to the story! The punny names were amazing!!
4: The different lands included Accusia (the king was a brat who always blamed others), Serenity Spa(a really good place to get peace of mind) , the Flatterlands (people there really had their heads turned), and Uppity (a place for snobs). The funny word-play led to a lot of enjoyment while reading this! I think kids would love this book!
5: It was so sad how James's mother treated him, but thanks to Ah-Ha, I think James really found that he wasn't to blame for that. I think he found a new compassion for his mom, and another reason to keep on loving her although there were no signs that she loved him back.
Thank you Pam for sharing this awesome book with me! I'm sorry it took so long...
Friday, February 10, 2017
That funny tab....
So, I can tell you're eyeballing that tab and thinking, what in this world is happening there? Christmas is not for like 10 months. What does she think she's doing? Well, I'll tell ya. Click the tab and you'll see. I have an actual explanation. Which I don't feel like typing out again. So just click the tab and see for yourself. And maybe leave a helpful comment... If you want. You don't have to (and like 99.99999% probably won't, so whatever).
Series Review: Circle C Adventures by Susan K. Marlow
This set of 6 books is about Andrea Carter and her struggles to find her place on the ranch her family owns. With her palomino, Taffy, by her side, her best friends Rosa & Cody, and God, Andrea seems to always find a way.
I give this series 5 stars. I've been in love ever since the Christmas I got them. It doesn't matter that the level is upper children/lower MG, sometimes I just have to reread them. Andrea is always getting herself into trouble, but somehow her adventures wind up bringing her closer to both her family and the Lord. This series is especially great for girls who are going through the "horse phase" (and yes, I promise that is a thing, for almost every girl out there). There is nothing to worry about in these books, and the mystery element is absolutely great! If you're looking for that perfect re-readable set, this is it.
I give this series 5 stars. I've been in love ever since the Christmas I got them. It doesn't matter that the level is upper children/lower MG, sometimes I just have to reread them. Andrea is always getting herself into trouble, but somehow her adventures wind up bringing her closer to both her family and the Lord. This series is especially great for girls who are going through the "horse phase" (and yes, I promise that is a thing, for almost every girl out there). There is nothing to worry about in these books, and the mystery element is absolutely great! If you're looking for that perfect re-readable set, this is it.
BookApp of the Week: Goodreads
This is not a reading app. Instead, Goodreads is a social media app that allows you to review books, connect with other readers, follow authors, mark books as read or to-read, get book recommendations based on your previous reads, join book groups, take the reading challenge, and much more! This app is also free, so you have nothing to lose!
Wednesday, February 8, 2017
Waiting-on Wednesday: Dragon's Heritage by Kandi J Wyatt
Honestly, I have no clue what this book is about other than that it's part of the Dragon's Courage series(I think it's a prequel) and I love that series. It's supposed to come out this April and I can't wait! April is gonna be a good month! If you've missed my reviews of the other book in this series I suggest you check them out!
Waiting on Wednesday is hosted here so click the link to find more books that you should be looking forward to!
Waiting on Wednesday is hosted here so click the link to find more books that you should be looking forward to!
Monday, February 6, 2017
Answer a Question: eBook or Print Copy?
Print copy!!! As a general rule I'd rather have a copy in my hands. To feel, to smell, to see how far I've read. The only thing that eBooks have on print copies in my mind is the ability to have a lot of books with you all the time, and also the ability to read in the dark. Otherwise, print copy all the way!!!!!!!
Something to look forward to!
I'm really, really, really super excited to tell you guys that Feb 23 will be my first Author Interview! It'll be with Lea Waterhouse. She'll answer a few questions, and I'll have a blurb, cover art, and link to her new book that will be published the same day! Make sure to follow my blog or to follow me on social media so that you don't miss this upcoming event!!!!
Sunday, February 5, 2017
Review: This Side of Heaven by Karen Kingsbury
I'm completely unsure if I can do this without at least one spoiler. I'm gonna try, but don't get your hopes up. I'll warn you before I do it, if I find that I must. In fact, just to help with that, I'm going to use the plot summary from Goodreads. Otherwise, it's gonna be a mess.
Annie Warren always wanted the best for her son, Josh. But years of failure and bad choices created a heartbreaking distance that has grown far worse since the day Josh was hit by a drunk driver. Now on medical disability, Josh has put his life on hold for years, waiting for the insurance company to send a settlement that never seems to come. Worse, he believes the story of a scheming woman who claims they have a seven-year-old daughter named Savannah. Despite the unlikelihood and complete lack of evidence, Josh dreams of being a father and is determined to one day claim the child. His family doesn't know the full story. They don't know what happened the night of the accident that was worth the chronic pain Josh suffers every waking minute, or that he is turning his life around. They haven't seen that Savannah's eyes are his, and they don't know how desperately the little girl needs her family. When the settlement that rightly belongs to Josh is threatened, Annie sets out to defend her son. But she might find a treasure more valuable than money, one she never expected, one that is the greatest gift her son could ever give her--
Annie Warren always wanted the best for her son, Josh. But years of failure and bad choices created a heartbreaking distance that has grown far worse since the day Josh was hit by a drunk driver. Now on medical disability, Josh has put his life on hold for years, waiting for the insurance company to send a settlement that never seems to come. Worse, he believes the story of a scheming woman who claims they have a seven-year-old daughter named Savannah. Despite the unlikelihood and complete lack of evidence, Josh dreams of being a father and is determined to one day claim the child. His family doesn't know the full story. They don't know what happened the night of the accident that was worth the chronic pain Josh suffers every waking minute, or that he is turning his life around. They haven't seen that Savannah's eyes are his, and they don't know how desperately the little girl needs her family. When the settlement that rightly belongs to Josh is threatened, Annie sets out to defend her son. But she might find a treasure more valuable than money, one she never expected, one that is the greatest gift her son could ever give her--
This... 5 stars. I'm going to try and tell you why in a cohesive way.
1: Wynonna Judd. SERIOUSLY!!!!!! I Can Only Imagine is my alarm ringtone. I've found that it is one of a few songs that don't cause me to wake up grouchy. How can I when the first words I hear each morning are "Surrounded by Your Glory"?
2: The only thing about the book that I didn't like was (and I do realize I wasn't supposed to like this) was how big of a sleeze-ball Maria Cameron was. Seriously?!?! I wasn't a big fan of the sections written from her POV.
3: Savannah didn't know much about Jesus, but she knew He loved her, and that she could trust Him. And what else do we need to know? Really? (also, I have a baby cousin named Savannah who I love quite a lot)
4: This is the third Karen Kingsbury book I've read, and I think I've cried every time. This isn't a romance. And I think it's not the first in the series. I'm not sure, but I think it comes either in the middle of or near the end of a series. maybe it's a stand alone book. But I don't think so. Either way, I'm quite notorious for reading books out of order. It didn't affect me. I followed the story easily.
Emotional rollercoaster!! I don't even know! First off, who kills the main character in chapter 10 (or 9)!!!! And then I had chill bumps and tears. I just wanted Annie to get Savannah so bad that it hurt. I was starting to skip lines I was reading so fast. And then I di something that I never do. I read the "Dear Readers" part and I am in need of a few tissues right now!
Friday, February 3, 2017
BookApp of the Week Meme

I'm hosting a meme and it's happening on Fridays! I'll be posting my favorite book apps, and maybe trying a few new ones to share.
Wanna join the fun and share your favorite app? Grab the pic (your app doesn't need to be in the pic!There are lots to choose from!) and leave a link to your post in the comments!
BookApp of the Week: Kindle
The most used book app on my phone is Kindle. It has all my books from my kindle and my phone linked through it and it's how I download books I receive in emails when I want them on my phone. You can access the Kindle ebook store and download free samples, but the one drawback is that I can't (that I can discover) buy books, even free ones, from my phone. Other than that this is the easiest and best reading app. Also, free download!
Wednesday, February 1, 2017
Review: A Hopeful Heart by Kim Vogel Sawyer
Tressa's aunt and uncle send her out west to learn to be a rancher's wife, mostly because they don't want to give her a dowry. Tressa must learn how to cope with hard work, snobby girls, and her growing attraction to Abel Samms, who shows no interest in her. Along her journey to love, Tressa finds new life in Christ.
I would say that this book is a 5.
1: The clear message given to Tressa as Aunt Hattie leads her to the Lord is sweet and beautiful and amazing.
2: Aunt Hattie is absolutely my favorite in the whole book. She was caring and sweet, and even had a very unexpected (to me anyway) romance.
3: This is apparently the fifth book in a series, which I have read none of. I didn't miss anything, and as far as I can tell without having read the others, I would say that the books in this series are primarily stand-alone. If you've read these already and I am actually missing a lot of the story, please comment and tell me!
4: If you like a little mystery, and underhandedness, in your books, then I recommend this book for you! Also, the details painted a vivid picture of everything in my mind's eye. I could see everything!
5: If you like really good endings, this one is really good, and really shows how each of the characters grew and changed through the book. Kim Vogel Sawyer is a favorite of mine, and after reading this book, I'm sure she'll be one of yours!
I would say that this book is a 5.
1: The clear message given to Tressa as Aunt Hattie leads her to the Lord is sweet and beautiful and amazing.
2: Aunt Hattie is absolutely my favorite in the whole book. She was caring and sweet, and even had a very unexpected (to me anyway) romance.
3: This is apparently the fifth book in a series, which I have read none of. I didn't miss anything, and as far as I can tell without having read the others, I would say that the books in this series are primarily stand-alone. If you've read these already and I am actually missing a lot of the story, please comment and tell me!
4: If you like a little mystery, and underhandedness, in your books, then I recommend this book for you! Also, the details painted a vivid picture of everything in my mind's eye. I could see everything!
5: If you like really good endings, this one is really good, and really shows how each of the characters grew and changed through the book. Kim Vogel Sawyer is a favorite of mine, and after reading this book, I'm sure she'll be one of yours!
Waiting on Wednesday: The Paper Boat by Trisha White Priebe & Jerry B Jenkins
I've decided to join the Waiting-On tag hosted here.
My Waiting-On-Wednesday is The Paper Boat! It is the third book in the 13 series. The first two were amazing and I can't wait to see who turns out to be the child of Queen Elizabeth. Here is the plot summary from Goodreads! This book is supposed to be published in April this year, and I can't wait!
The king is not well and is in a hurry to hand over his power to a new generation when rumors begin to circulate through the kingdom. It appears the king is unaware of the sinister plot against the orphans and that it is the doing of the queen, who wants to be sure her child is heir to the throne. As Avery weighs the pros and cons of seeking an audience with the king, the castle is dealt a heavy blow; but Avery decides the risk is worth taking, and she steps out of the shadows for the first time since entering the castle. When Avery is offered an opportunity of a lifetime, will she choose a life free from hardship within the castle walls. . .or her family and the home she left behind
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