Ибо так возлюбил Бог мир, что отдал Сына Своего Единородного, дабы всякий верующий в Него, не погиб, но имел хизнь вечную.
While I receive many books in exchange for review, I am never required to leave a positive review. All thoughts and opinions are my very own.

Review Policy

Update: 11Jun17
I'm pretty swamped right now. Any chance you could hold off for a few months? Especially the nonfiction requests, since it takes me longer to read those. Thanks. And I'm really sorry too. Feel free to go ahead and contact me, but I most likely will ask you to wait.

Yes, I do accept books in exchange for a review. Before you send me a link though, here is a checklist that you might want to make sure you've looked at.

Genres I like: Christian historical fiction, and some contemporary Christian, fantasy, children's books/middle grade lit, mystery

Format: Yes, I accept ebooks, generally in Kindle format. Also, I do accept print books.

Please, no crude yucky stuff. Keep it clean. If I find objectionable elements in the books, I won't finish them. And no review. Sorry. (and no zombies or vampires or werewolfs or anything like that)

Give me time. Sometimes it takes me a while to get around to everything. I haven't forgotten (unless it's been like 2-3 months. Please send me a reminder if that happens!)

Contact me: Leave a comment under my latest blog post or this page with your email. I'll get it within a day of posting. Usually within a few hours. If I feel like the book merits interest I will email you. Probably within a day, if I'm too busy it might take 2-3 days.

Or use the new contact form located on the right side of my blog.

That was what I should be able to expect out of you. Here is a list of things that you can expect out of me. 

I will post the review to Twitter, Pinterest, and Google +. If requested I will make a post on Amazon. Sometimes I may also share to Goodreads, Facebook, or Books-a-Million, but those three sites really kinda depend on my mood.

I give up to 5 stars. Also, I start out every book believing it's a five, and as I go along, as things go along I'll either leave it on five or start to take off. I do judge age appropriateness, such as YA should fit YA age group, children's should be for children, and so on. However, I don't judge the books cross-genre. I judge within their own category. I wouldn't say "Well this is a really good fantasy, but I liked this historical fiction better so I can only give this 4 stars" Nope. If it's a really good fantasy then it can get all 5, whether or not it's better than the historical fiction.

I look forward to hearing from you and hope that you're having a splendiferous day or night, wherever you are!

P.S. Seriously, I'm so much nicer than I sound. Sometimes I write mean, and I have no clue why...


  1. Greetings, Erica! I'm Nadine, and I would appreciate receiving a review from you for my epic fiction novella, a fairly quick read if your time permits. I can provide a MOBI (Kindle) copy of the book for you, or you can download it free from Amazon.

    Title: The Movement of Crowns (First in the Movement of Crowns series)
    Author: Nadine C. Keels
    Blurb: Is it the perfect or the worst time for the kingdom to…change?
    The nation of Diachona rejoices as the king’s daughter and heir, Constance, turns twenty. Yet, not everyone approves of Constance’s desire to sit on the National Council: a Council run solely by men.
    What’s more, oppressive threats from a neighboring, powerful empire are rousing the people’s fears. Amid rumors of war and personal doubts about her future, Constance suspects that her growing love for one Commander Alexander may be ill-timed. Especially if this is the end of the kingdom as they know it…

    Official Page: http://wp.me/pwlMY-jY
    Amazon: https://amzn.com/B00F0SI07M
    Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/30967025-the-movement-of-crowns

    You can reach me at: nadine[dot]keels[at]gmail[dot]com. Thank you for your consideration!

  2. Hey how are you?

    Would you like to review our new book the Bullied?
    It's a fascinating novel for young adults, with Fear as the narrator.
    It's the first book in a series and it's helping raise awareness about bullying.

    (YA fiction, 300 pages)

    Here is the link - http://amzn.to/2pBVUDk

    Thank you so much!

    1. Hi Ben, I'll be happy to consider reviewing this book, but no promises! Thank you for thinking of me!

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Good Morning. I saw your website and wanted to know if you would like to review one of my novels that were self published this year. I have three novels in the Grace Series, but each can be read as a stand alone book. My website www.acboulier.com has each novel with a book blurb and the first chapter. I can happily send you any or all of the novels. Please feel free to reach out to me with questions. writer@acboulier.com Thank you.

  5. Hey how are you?

    Would you like to review our new christian book meet me in the garden ?
    It's a fascinating book on finding intimacy with God.
    It's my first book in a series and it's helping raise awareness about finding intimacy with God.

    220 pages)

    Here is the link - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07JH3BZN1

    Thank you so much
    Ruth Kriner

  6. Hi,

    Nice to meet you. I want to share with you my happiness about the publication of my first English children storybook, One Century Friendship. The book will be launched in different e-book platform on 20th Jan 2019.

    I want to share my idea of jump out of the comfort zone among children and hence I wrote this story.

    This time I invite US illustrator Ms Janelle Dimmett to help design the book cover. You can click the website https://www.littlebeanseeds.com to find out more about the book, i.e. the book trailer, book review, preview the prologue and the first chapter, story inspiration etc.

    The book available on Amazon, Readmoo, Smashwords, Lulu, Barnes & Noble, Pubu and Kobo platforms.

    Story Hypnosis:

    In One Century Friendship, Helen and her three friends scamper off from the main campsite towards the ruined cottage. Despite Miss J. Smith’s warnings, Shelly’s persuasive remarks make each of the four friends grow even more curious as they wonder what the house contains. As they near the place, their fear starts rising. A peek through the window is not enough and soon they are inside the house. On the inside, the cottage seems disappointing until things start happening and Mark goes missing. What started as playful fun turns to dread as the remaining three friends notice his absence. Worse still, they are afraid of confiding in Miss J. Smith since they disobeyed her instructions from the start.

    This time story writing is initiated by the idea of “jump out of the comfort zone”, hence, I have set up a page “jump out of comfort zone”, aiming to encourage those who have read my book to share his/her story of jumping out of comfort zone with me. Readers are welcome to send their own story to littlebeanseed@gmail.com and I will share it on the webpage and the blog.

    I also have conducted an author interview with Awesome Gang and Linda's book bag. For more details, you can visit the below link:



    I want to know if it is possible I can share this book or the idea of "jump out of the comfort zone" with your readers or you will be free to provide a review for my book or provide an author interview in your blog.

    Thanks for your time and feel free to drop me a link if you have anything to share.

    Best wishes,


  7. Dear Erica,
    Thank you for your readiness to help authors with a quality review. I am Julius.B.Ogunbiyi, a Christian author with a specialty in Apologetics and Inspirational Genre. I have five books on Amazon and I would like you to review anyone you chose.
    I have attached PDF files of two ebooks and list the links on Amazon for convenient reading.
    Beyond reviews, I would love a more cordial relationship and support in Ministry.Please, kindly add reviews on Amazon as well.
    Pst Julius.B.Ogunbiyi

  8. Would you be interested in reviewing my dog rescue memoir entitled Lance: A Spirit Unbroken? At www.lanceaspiritunbroken.com you can get a feel for the story and my writing.
    Thank you.
    Walter Stoffel

  9. Breath of Fresh Air Publishing has just released faith-based book Voodoo Vanquishing Vixen, winner of the Page Turner Award on Faith Writers. Dedicated to all Harry Potter fans, the book has a subtle message: there are hidden dangers beyond fantasy. I can send you an ebook or a hard copy. Please let me know at harrietf@centurytel.net www.facebook.com/hiddendangerbeyond.

  10. You have a good point here!I totally agree with what you have said!!Thanks for sharing your views...hope more people will read this article.Read Reviews

  11. Hi Erica,

    Here are some links so you may learn more about my Christian Mystery/Suspense novel to see if this looks like something you would like to read and review. The story is told with a touch of romance and a lot of humor. I have included a Book Sirens link for download in pdf, epub, and mobi formats. A brief synopsis and author bio is at the bottom of this email as well. Thanks for taking a look.

    Many blessings to you,

    Kelly Mack McCoy




    Rough Way to the High Way Synopsis

    Pastor turned long-haul trucker, Mack, struggles with grief and perceived failures as a minister while he is confronted with a mysterious hitchhiker, smugglers and a determined killer.
    After an unbearable tragedy strikes his life, he sells everything he owns and buys a new Peterbilt truck, returning to the trade he learned decades earlier.
    Hoping for some windshield therapy and peace of mind behind the wheel of his new rig, Mack gets neither after God nudges him to pick up a hitchhiker near the Jordan State Prison outside Mack’s childhood home of Pampa, Texas.
    The story unfolds as the hitchhiker enters Mack’s Peterbilt. The man reminds Mack of his father, a hard living, hard drinking oilfield roughneck who died in prison. God begins to do a work in Mack’s heart while Mack seeks to minister to his new passenger. But Mack soon rues the day he let the hitchhiker into his truck.

    His old life in ruins now, Mack learns he has angered a new enemy who threatens to destroy his life on the road as well. Mack suspects he is being followed and is in the sights of a killer who plots a revenge no one could have seen coming.

    Kelly Mack McCoy Author Bio
    Kelly Mack McCoy is a semi (pun intended) retired truck driver turned author. He spent most of his career behind the wheel of an eighteen-wheeler traveling extensively through forty-eight states gathering a lifetime of material for his books.
    Rough Way to the High Way is his first novel and the first in a series of novels about the adventures of trucker turned pastor turned trucker Mack McClain.
    Kelly Mack McCoy lives in Spring Branch, Texas with his lovely wife, Miss Emily and their two Yorkies, Dixie and Dolly.

  12. Could you review my book? I would appreciate if you might be able to help.


    Book attached.
    Michael Sayen

    Michael S. Sayen
    The Cure for Divorce: In the Kingdom of God
    Pastoral Resource
    pages 46
    Venues: Marriage and Family

    Unilateral marriages in the Old Testament (bride price), transfers the authority from the father of the bride to the groom, preventing the wife from being able to divorce her husband and allowing the man to have more than one wife. Bilateral marriages under Greco-Roman law (no bride price), creates an egalitarian society where either spouse can initiate the divorce and polygamy is not allowed. These two ideals were at war in the first century church. The Law of Moses allowed man to put away his wife for uncleanness. The Law of Ezra commanded the circumcised men of Israel to put away their pagan wives and children born unto them. Was the woman given the equal right to put away her husband in the New Testament under Roman law? And why does Paul seem to talk about men and women differently regarding divorce and remarriage in his letter to Corinth? This short-book explores marriage, divorce, and remarriage in ways you have never heard before!

    Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Cure-Divorce-Kingdom-God-ebook/dp/B07W81M7CD/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=Michael+Sayen&qid=1583836073&sr=8-1

  13. Currently, my first book "Thank God For Women Preachers" is selling pretty well. I'm hoping to put more of a spotlight on it via some book reviews. If you're interested please email me at: BenchmarkChurchTN@gmail.com, and I can send you a PDF. Thanks. =)

  14. Hey Erica!

    My name is Ericka Clay, and I am a traditionally published novelist and former atheist. I've just completed my first Christ-inspired novel, A Violent Hope, which will be released on October 6th. I'd love to send you a free ebook copy of my book in exchange for an honest review. Would you be interested? If so, you can email me at authorericka@gmail.com.

    I truly appreciate your time and consideration! :)



  15. Erica—

    I’m Jason William Karpf, author of the upcoming Christian sci-fi novel, Brimstone 1.


    I’ve also written a free study guide with more than 500 exercises to facilitate the novel as a learning assignment.

    Brimstone 1 is a mature novel with frequent action along with sexual situations—all depictions PG-13, on the level of a typical Marvel movie. Homeschooled 11th and 12th graders are a target readership as well as Christian college students and small group members.

    Email me and I’ll send you a link to an online folder containing an advance reader copy for review along with other materials. The galley for the study guide will be available in February. Thanks in advance for your time and consideration.

  16. Hi Erica,

    My Christian Fiction novel, Rough Way to the High Way was just released in audiobook format. The story is told with mystery, suspense, humor, and a touch of romance. It has a strong Christian message with many layers of understanding. I have included the book’s Amazon link, my website and a brief synopsis for you to learn more about it. If you would like to read and review the book I will send it in the format of your choice (epub, mobi, pdf, print, or audiobook).

    My email is kellymackmccoy@yahoo.com



    Pastor turned long-haul trucker, Mack, struggles with grief and perceived failures as a minister while he is confronted with a mysterious hitchhiker, smugglers, and a determined killer.

    A journey that began as a search for solitude and windshield therapy after his wife Georgia's murder becomes a high stakes adventure as a Texas Ranger and high ranking FBI agent seek to track down her killer.

    A pair of hapless criminals botch an attempted break in of Mack's trailer which leads to the discovery of a sinister plot involving Georgia's killer. Mack's journey from his hometown of Pampa, Texas to Chicago introduces a cast of characters who seek to use him to deliver a load far more destructive than anyone could have imagined.

    Thanks so much for taking a look.



  17. Hello. My name is Jeb Smith, and I am the author of an upcoming book titled Middle-earth Lore: Tolkien's Legends Revealed. I have provided a link to my Kickstarter to give you an idea of its content and the artwork.


    Would you consider writing a review of my book? I could send a PDF file or, in time, a paperback.

    Thank you

  18. Hi, Erica. I hear you about being swamped and I don't want to rush you. I'm just afraid I'll forget to contact you later. Would it be all right if I give you a book now and you can get to it when you're ready? Here's my standard introduction:
    In a war-riven world of rust and runes…

    In the chilled and desert stretches of Tankwaste…

    In the silent, charred wreck of an isolated ranch…

    A young woman lay on the cold ground.

    "How much longer can I survive?"

    Tamping down terror, Psyche Kyteler stared mutely into the sky, reflecting on the emptiness of the hours since she had been abandoned. The aching afternoon. The long, cold night. And the unravelling hours since dawn.

    "How much longer do I want to survive?"

    Psyche lay on her back spread-eagle. She could not rise. By cruel rough rope, each of her four limbs was bound fast to a foot-long iron spike. And each spike was hammered deep into the earth.

    Psyche was staked out.

    I’m writing from Vulgaris Media, a tiny publisher debuting our first novel. Stoneheart is a 433-page adventure story by Christian authors Abby D. Jones and Alana K. Asby.

    Stoneheart is about Sul, a bountyhunter with a heart of literal stone. Since the war left him with memories he finds unbearable, Sul has taken the stoneheart – a runed rock that replaces a man’s heart, leaving him emotionless and calm and very, very good at his job. Stoneheart is also about Psyche, a gunmaker who has been assaulted and must bear the child of one of her attackers (yielding a pro-life theme.)

    Sul finds Psyche trapped on a deserted ranch, and her attackers are returning. He’s trapped himself unless he can get diesel from the attackers when they return – but they are old enemies of his, a gang of griefers following a philosophy known as Naughtism.

    Sul saves Psyche’s life so they can fight for their lives together, and in the process he shares the magic of his stoneheart with her. Unbeknownst to Sul, however, Psyche is pregnant. The stoneheart has a surprising effect on the child – a child who draws the attention of a dark runemistress almost as soon as she is conceived.

    With a strong dilemma for each character and lots of beauty, suspense, feeling, and action, Stoneheart has been described as “gripping”. We also strove to ensure it is better written and edited than the average book in its class.

    If you would like to read Stoneheart, we would be happy to provide you with an ebook or print volume.

    To learn more about Stoneheart, please visit vulgarismedia.com/stoneheart.

    Alana K. Asby
