Ибо так возлюбил Бог мир, что отдал Сына Своего Единородного, дабы всякий верующий в Него, не погиб, но имел хизнь вечную.
While I receive many books in exchange for review, I am never required to leave a positive review. All thoughts and opinions are my very own.

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Review: Darkness Calls the Tiger by Janyre Tromp

After the attack on Pearl Harbor, Imperial Japan devours the southern portion of Burma, intent on taking over mainland Asia. Unaware of the coming darkness, Kailyn Moran drifts in her role as the only daughter of a widowed missionary. As whispers of war snake through the Kachin mountains, Kai's father is convinced God will protect the mission. He entrusts the village to her and the kind yet inexperienced new missionary, Ryan McDonough, while he makes routine visits to neighboring villages.
War descends like a tempest upon the mountain peaks, and an unbreakable bond forms between Kailyn and Ryan as they unite to provide solace to both villagers and the flood of refugees. Despite their tireless efforts, a brutal enemy shatters almost everything they love, pushing Kailyn to embark on a path of unrestrained vengeance.

Afraid he's losing the woman he loves, Ryan fights to protect Kai from the deadly consequences of her choices. But in the face of destruction, can he convince her of the power and freedom of forgiveness? 

This new to me author stunned me with this latest work. After seeing some of my favorite authors rave about the book, I decided to try it for myself. I was immediately swept into the world of Kai and her family in the jungles of Burma. I usually prefer WWI settings over WWII, but this novel was such a fresh take on such an overlooked battle front. I was stunned. Anytime my eyes broke from the page, I was disoriented trying to readjust myself to my plain old living room. The story of a missionary's daughter who had to fight through her pain and anger at God, couped with a young missionary who didn't know what he believed either, created a beautiful journey that showed God's unwillingness to let people slip away from Him. I will say, this is a much darker story than I usually read, and that may be an issue for some readers, but for me, I'm so glad that I took a chance on a new author and went on this incredible journey with Kailyn and her Bear of Burma.

Saturday, April 27, 2024

CelebrateLit Tour: Review: The Sleuth of Blackfriars Lane by Michelle Griep

About the Book

Book: The Sleuth of Blackfriars Lane

Author: Michelle Griep

Genre: Historical Christian Fiction

Release Date: April, 2024

Wife. Mother. Homemaker. Detective. Kit Forge wears many hats, and if that’s not enough, she’s partnered with her father to open a new detective agency. It’s hard to be all things to all people, but Kit never shies away from the impossible. Despite her hard work and good intentions, some things fall through the cracks.

Namely, her husband.

But Jackson barely notices. He’s too busy putting out his own fires. As the new chief inspector of a busy London station, he must salvage the disaster left behind by the former police chief—an obstacle made all the harder when the superintendent breathes an ultimatum down his neck.

Against her father’s advice, Kit takes on a case involving a missing child, one in which she and Jackson become a little too emotionally involved. . .and end up endangering their own little girl in the process.

Can Kit and Jackson learn that just because they can say yes doesn’t mean they should?


 I've been in love with this series since book one (which admittedly I did chuck across the room as soon as I finished reading it... I had big feelings on that one, lol). Book three was absolutely lovely. The humor I've come to expect, the danger to give me a thrill, and the sweetest romance ever. Not to mention the addition of some new characters that I actually adore, such as Bella and Harvey and Catchpole. And while of course, Jackson and Kit are the main attraction, let's not forget Charles and Martha, Kit and Greybone, Frankie and literally everyone, Greybone and Bella, Kit and Brooks, Jackson and Harvey, Catchpole and Jackson... literally just everyone with everyone, tbh. I laughed out loud, I screeched in horror, and felt all the feels. Definitely recommend this one, and don't forget... #respectthearmadillo

Click here to get your copy!


About the Author

Michelle Griep’s been writing since she first discovered blank wall space and Crayolas. She is the Christy Award-winning author of historical romances: A Tale of Two Hearts, The Captured Bride, The Innkeeper’s Daughter, 12 Days at Bleakly Manor, The Captive Heart, Brentwood’s Ward, A Heart Deceived, and Gallimore, but also leaped the historical fence into the realm of contemporary with the zany romantic mystery Out of the Frying Pan.




More from Michelle

Oh Inspiration…Wherefore Art Thou?

There are several questions I am asked frequently as an author.

“Hey, how much money do you make?”

“Can you help me get my book published?”

“How come it takes you so long to finish a story?”

But probably the most common query is this: what sorts of things inspire you? Now that is a question I can go on and on about! Don’t panic, though. I’ll be brief.

Story ideas come from every place imaginable. I’ve had plot thoughts from watching kids’ movies or even from eavesdropping at a coffee shop (note: beware what you say in public). TV series are also a favorite of mine, so much so that my latest release, The Sleuth of Blackfriars Lane, is loosely based on one of my all-time favorite PBS series.

Have you seen this show? If not, do yourself a favor and ride that pony. If you have, then you know what I’m talking about. Either way, you should know that, the main character, is a detective in Victorian London—a very sassy yet classy lady. And that’s what struck me light a lightning bolt.

This woman is Kit, the heroine in my Blackfriars series, like right there on the big screen.

So, for book III, I decided I’d let ol’ Kit open her own private investigation agency with the help of her father, a recently retired police sergeant. Of course much intrigue and chaos ensues, just like in my all-time favorite PBS series, bringing the Blackfriars series to a satisfying end.

Inspiration honestly comes from anywhere, so next time you’re rubbing elbows with an author, beware. You just might end up as a character in their next book.


To celebrate her tour, Michelle is giving away the grand prize package of a $25 Amazon e-gift card and a print copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.


Blog Stops

Babbling Becky L’s Book Impressions, April 26

Book Reviews From an Avid Reader, April 26

Book Looks by Lisa, April 26

Live. Love. Read., April 27 (YOU ARE HERE!)

Vicky Sluiter, April 27

She Lives To Read, April 27

Texas Book-aholic, April 28

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, April 28

All-of-a-kind Mom, April 29

Where Faith and Books Meet, April 29

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, April 30

Sylvan Reads, April 30

Pause for Tales, April 30

Locks, Hooks and Books, May 1

Blogging With Carol, May 1

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, May 2

For Him and My Family, May 2

A Modern Day Fairy Tale, May 2

Betti Mace, May 3

Wishful Endings, May 3

Bizwings Book Blog, May 4

Daysong Reflections, May 4

Gina Holder, Author and Blogger, May 5 (Author Interview)

Kristina Hall, May 5

Tell Tale Book Reviews, May 6

The Lofty Pages, May 6

Cover Lover Book Review, May 7

A Good Book and Cup of Tea, May 7

Blossoms and Blessings, May 7

Holly’s Book Corner, May 8

Back Porch Reads, May 8

Lily’s Corner, May 9

Life of Literature, May 9

Jeanette’s Thoughts, May 9

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Review: Set in Stone by Kimberley Woodhouse

A dangerous scheme could bury their long-held dreams forever. . . .

From the time she was little, Martha Jankowski has been digging in the dirt, much to the dismay of her mother. Now she dreams of being a paleontologist and is determined to make her parents proud by uncovering the next big discovery. When Martha finds what she hopes to be a fully intact dinosaur skeleton--one that could win her an acclaimed exhibit--she learns another team is competing against her and could steal her chance at being recognized for this momentous discovery.

Paleontology student Jacob Duncan has fulfilled his dream of digging for dinosaur bones at last. In a race against time, he and his team are bent on unearthing a complete skeleton to claim a museum exhibit with their names on it. But when Jacob meets their charming competitor Martha and uncovers foul play within his team, love and danger grow hand in hand until a menacing ruse threatens to destroy it all.

 I'm sorry, but what just happened to me! I have never been more flabbergasted and shook by a book and it's twisty turn-y ending than I am by Set in Stone. It's been half an hour and I am still physically shaking. The suspense throughout the entire book was so good. I have not the words to explain it. Chef's kiss, okay? Also, the romance, super cute. The dinosaur dig, sort of makes me want to go dig up one for myself, to be honest. The faith element- beautiful. But I keep coming back to the plot overall. 10/10 masterful work. The way the characters grow, the setting, the tension that builds, the bread crumbs along the way to solving the mystery... I always love Kimberley Woodhouse's books, but this- this just takes the cake. I saw someone else's review say this was her best book yet, and pre-having-read-it me was skeptical, because some of her books are nearly impossible to top. Not skeptical anymore. If you love history, faith and science complementing each other, and a dastardly villain, look no further. (Plus, each book in this series is a standalone, so you technically don't have to read book one first. Although... I do recommend that one as well.) There's so much else I could say, but I am not here for spoilers, okay? Just buy the book. I'll make it easy and leave a link below the photo for you, okay?

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

CelebrateLit Tour: Review: Night Falls on Predicament Avenue by Jaime Jo Wright

About the Book

Book: Night Falls on Predicament Avenue

Author: Jaime Jo Wright

Genre: Mystery/Thriller

Release Date: April 9, 2024

In 1910, Effie James is living a dream for two. Her younger sister is harboring a secret that has left timid Effie determined to fulfill her daring sister’s grand plan of seeking out adventure in their small Iowa town. When a British gentleman arrives, disrupting their peace with efforts to find the wife many claim lived her final days at the now abandoned house at 322 Predicament Avenue, Effie is thrust into intrigue she couldn’t have prepared for. But what she finds inside will forever link her to the scandal staining the house’s walls and to a woman whose secrets promise a curse.

A century later, Norah Richman is living out her late-twin’s dream of running their great aunt’s bed-and-breakfast on Predicament Avenue–a place Norah believes nothing good can come out of after her sister’s abduction and murder thirteen years ago. Her first guest is a crime historian and podcaster, and Norah resolves to stay far away from the charming and enigmatic man–until another guest is found dead. As they dig deeper, something sinister unfurls that will reveal an ominous unknown far greater than the possibility of death itself.


Click here to get your copy!

 I am absolutely in love with this book! It was so good that I even braved reading after nightfall to keep getting the story. (If you've ever read any of her books, you know why that was a very brave thing I did!) This book was the fastest I have ever fallen in love with the present day timeline in one of Jaime's books. I always do eventually, but Sebastian sold me from the beginning. I think I finally realize what other people mean when they say that their books have "swoon-worthy heroes." Also, I think my type now is just... Sebastian. Anyway... moving on... the tension in this book was real! And, for maybe the first time ever, I solved a Jaime Jo Wright mystery before the end. I was so excited about that! Although, I will say that the anticipation of getting there nearly had me throwing the book while I made unearthly squealing sounds! Definitely one of my favorites of Jaime's so far. Top four. Or... maybe top three tied with Lost Boys. Long story short, if you're a mystery fan or like a spooky vibe that gets settled with very real humans at the end, buy the book. (In case you're wondering, they sent me a free e-book for this review and I bought myself the paperback too, because it's just that good!)

About the Author

Jaime Jo, the coffee-fueled and cat-fancier extraordinaire, has entwined her life with the legendary Captain Hook, residing serenely in Wisconsin’s rural woodlands.

Her literary vocation involves penning Gothic tales, a baffling change from that of Austenites, with a preference to the master of dark, Edgar Allan Poe.





More from Jaime Jo

True crime did NOT just become popular in this century! Scour the old newspapers for a full and detailed telling of the latest crime. That’s how I got the idea for Night Falls on Predicament Avenue! Yes! I read an old newspaper article from the late 1800’s in which they described in quite delectable detail, the crime scene of a murder in a house with questionable history. That being said, it’s also important to note, that forensics DID just recently become popular in the last 50-100 years. In the 1800’s, if you were murdered, it was common for your neighbor to tour and trample over your crime scene out of curiosity and/or the hope they might be of service in solving the crime. More likely than not, they were merely wanna-be podcast listeners of true crime shows simply born too early for that technological advancement.


To celebrate her tour, Jaime Jo is giving away the grand prize package of a $50 gift card to Baker Book House in Grand Rapids, MI and an autographed copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.


Blog Stops

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, April 10

Devoted To Hope, April 10

By The Book, April 11

Babbling Becky L’s Book Impressions, April 11

Inspired by Fiction, April 12

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, April 12

Texas Book-aholic, April 13

Blossoms and Blessings, April 13

Locks, Hooks and Books, April 14

Blogging With Carol, April 14

Betti Mace, April 15

JESUS in the EVERYDAY, April 15

Live. Love. Read., April 16 (YOU ARE HEREEEEE!!!)

For Him and My Family, April 16

Gina Holder, Author and Blogger, April 17 (Author Interview)

Mary Hake, April 17

Abba’s Prayer Warrior Princess, April 18

Holly’s Book Corner, April 18

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, April 19

Tell Tale Book Reviews, April 20

Sylvan Musings, April 20

Bigreadersite , April 21

Back Porch Reads, April 21

Lily’s Corner, April 22

Simple Harvest Reads, April 22 (Guest Review from Mindy)

Becca Hope: Book Obsessed, April 23

Denise L. Barela, April 23

The Lofty Pages, April 23

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Audiobook Review: The Extraordinary Deaths of Mrs. Kip by Sara Brunsvold

Aidyn Kelley is talented, ambitious, and ready for a more serious assignment than the fluff pieces she’s been getting as a cub reporter for the Kansas City Star. In her eagerness, she pushes too hard, earning herself the menial task of writing an obituary for an unremarkable woman who’s just entered hospice care. But there’s more to Clara Kip than meets the eye. The spirited septuagenarian may be dying, but she’s not quite ready to cash it in yet. Never one to shy away from an assignment herself, she can see that God brought the young reporter into her life for a reason. And if it’s a story Aidyn Kelley wants, that’s just what Mrs. Kip will give her—but she’s going to have to work for it.

 Having just finished this story a mere fifteen minutes ago, you'll forgive me the tears still pooling in my eyes. I know I'm a little late to the game on reading this one... it released in 2022 for goodness' sake, but oh, I've read it now, and it has skyrocketed to the top of my favorites list. I didn't know how much I needed a book like this. Not a romance. Not a suspense. Not any of the boxes I normally tick. Just connection across the generations. Getting to know Mrs. Kip has been such a moving experience. I can't properly put into words what it means to me... The biggest impression right now is that I am struggling to remind myself it was a novel, not a true biography. I feel that Mrs. Kip really lived and that I had just the briefest glance into her life and the blessing she was to others. How refreshing to read a book that deals so deftly with the dignity of the aged and dying, with the work that God still has for people who will be in heaven in days or hours. If I could bust out a sixth star on these ratings, now would be the time. Side note, the narrator on the audiobook was absolute perfection. Her voices and cadence captured the story as very few could.

Now, as I was accidentally MIA for a while (Oops... sorry, friends!) and possible missed the anniversary of the blog on March 17th (eek!), I have decided to do a giveaway now through April 15th. The winner will receive a paperback copy of The Extraordinary Deaths of Mrs. Kip. Enter through the rafflecopter link below the picture.

Rafflecopter Link to Giveaway

Saturday, February 17, 2024

CelebrateLit Tour: Review: A Season of Harvest by Lauraine Snelling with Kiersti Giron

About the Book

Book: A Season of Harvest

Author: Lauraine Snelling

Genre: Historical Fiction

Release Date: January 30, 2024

Can her dreams for the future–and a budding romance–survive the trouble that comes calling?

Larkspur Nielsen is determined to keep her family homestead running and to fulfill their dream of starting a seed catalog, with or without her siblings’ help. With Isaac McTavish back in town, Lark finds herself at odds with her own heart and her determination to shoulder the burden of carrying her responsibilities alone. But Isaac is set on convincing her that he’s here to stay and she doesn’t have to carry everything by herself.

As a new romance blossoms between Lilac and an old schoolmate and the other Nielsen sisters are busy caring for their families, Lark bears more and more responsibility on the farm. When a long-feared threat returns and Lark approaches the breaking point, the life she has always dreamed of is in danger of disappearing forever.


 I have long been a fan of Lauraine Snelling. Her Norwegian characters, especially, have a special place in my heart. All I ever wanted was more Blessing books. Her most recent series, Leah's Garden, had those lovely Norwegian influences, but bonus for homesteading in Nebraska! Now, I'm going to be honest here, I didn't get the chance to read the first three books, although they are on my audiobook queue list. However, I felt that I wasn't too much lost for all that. The story was easy to follow. I definitely found myself invested in the outcome for all the characters. The different romances were precious. The overhanging threat of the past was palpable, and can we just note that Lark has got to be the most stubborn gal ever born! Robbie was a favorite for me, too, and I really want to go back and read book one so I can know his story better. I really recommend this story if you like sweet romance, community feel, homesteading era, or just really want to know how they got the train across the river before they built the bridge.

Click here to get your copy!

I received a copy of this book for review, but all opinions are my own.

About the Author

Lauraine Snelling is the award-winning author of nearly one-hundred books, fiction and nonfiction, for adults and young adults. Her books have sold more than five million copies. She makes her home in Tehachapi, California.



More from Lauraine

Please provide a brief summary of your new novel, A Season of Harvest.

Lauraine Snelling: With her three sisters all finding their own paths of life and love, Larkspur Nielsen determines to shoulder their family farm and business dream herself and stay single—even if drifter Isaac McTavish, claiming he’s back in town for good, now seeks her heart. When danger from the past comes knocking, Lark must choose whether to insist on going it alone or accept the love and support God—and Isaac—hold out.

Each of the previous books in your current series, Leah’s Garden, follows a different Neilsen sister as the main character. What led you to save Larkspur’s story for the series conclusion?

LS: I’d actually planned Larkspur’s story to be first since she’s the oldest. However, once The Seeds of Change started coming together, Forsythia took over the story! So the first book became hers.

Loyalty plays a key role in A Season of Harvest. Without giving spoilers, can you hint at why loyalty is at the core of the story?

LS: Loyalty threads through the whole series. These sisters are loyal to each other, to their friends, and to everyone they know. Through all the books, they take care of each other so faithfully. Even their initial departure from Ohio stems from drastic action they take to protect each other and their family. Loyalty then streams over into other characters in the series, especially Isaac McTavish, who really grows into loyalty in this book. Even our villain stays loyal to his purpose all the way through.

Which of the four Neilsen sisters do you personally resonate with the most?

LS: Truth be told, I resonate with each of them. But really, I tend to identify with whichever one I’m writing at the moment! 😊

A Season of Harvest returns to a major conflict from the first book in the series, The Seeds of Change. Was it always in your plan to circle back and address that conflict again in the series conclusion?

LS: It wasn’t always in our plan, but as the book came together, it became inevitable. One benefit of a great editor is that they sometimes contribute ideas, and my editor, Jessica Sharpe, pointed out how key it would be for Ringwald to confront Larkspur at the end of the series. As the book went on, it became so important to resolve that conflict, and we kept the villain in the stories just enough to keep readers from forgetting about him.

What do you hope readers learn or take away from this series?

LS: A reminder of how important our families are. The Nielsens stood by each other in so many crises, and that’s what I would hope readers take away—just a reminder of how important your family is and how absolutely critical faith in Christ is. Salton becomes a place of healing, a place for people to recover joy. That we have so many joys and things to learn in this life is a theme that weaves through all my books.

What led you to set these stories in the homesteading period? How was the setting important to the story you wanted to tell?

LS: It’s one of my favorite periods! The homesteading era was such a time of change and adventure. As for why Nebraska, I hadn’t set stories there very much yet. For Kiersti, it was special to join in on The Seeds of Change and get to write about Nebraska homesteaders living in a soddy because her great-grandfather, a son of Danish immigrants, was born in a soddy in Nebraska in the late 1800s.

Is this truly the last your readers will see of the Neilsen sisters and the rest of their community?

LS: As far as we know!


Now that you’ve wrapped up the Leah’s Garden series, what are you working on next?

LS: A series set in 1889 near Decorah, Iowa. Six-year-old Ruth and twenty-one-year-old Amalia are thrown together on a ship crossing over from Norway when their families die of cholera. Ruth’s dying mother gives her daughter into Amalia’s custody, and the two orphans travel to Iowa to take over the family boardinghouse Ruth will inherit. They must battle a greedy relative trying to claim the property and somehow make ends meet for the motley band of orphans who gather under their roof, while finding a way to make this new land home.


To celebrate her tour, Lauraine is giving away the grand prize package of a $15 Amazon gift card and a paperback set of all four books in the Leah’s Garden Series: The Seeds of Change, A Time to Bloom, Fields of Bounty, and A Season of Harvest!! (US Only)

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.


Blog Stops

Wishful Endings, February 5

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, February 5

Locks, Hooks and Books, February 6

Texas Book-aholic, February 7

The Avid Reader, February 7

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, February 8

Gina Holder, Author and Blogger, February 9 (Author Interview)

Books You Can Feel Good About, February 9

She Lives to Read, February 10

Jeanette’s Thoughts, February 11

Mary Hake, February 11

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, February 12

For Him and My Family, February 13

Splashes of Joy, February 13

Holly’s Book Corner, February 14

Cover Lover Book Review, February 15

Connie’s History Classroom , February 16

Paula’s Pad of Inspiration, February 16

Live. Love. Read., February 17 (You are here!)

Jodie Wolfe – Stories Where Hope and Quirky Meet, February 17

lakesidelivingsite, February 18

Pause for Tales, February 18