Ибо так возлюбил Бог мир, что отдал Сына Своего Единородного, дабы всякий верующий в Него, не погиб, но имел хизнь вечную.
While I receive many books in exchange for review, I am never required to leave a positive review. All thoughts and opinions are my very own.

Friday, June 22, 2018

Review: Let's Be Real by Natasha Bure

From The Back Cover:

A Real Life is the Best Life.

I want to help young women be open to embracing their flaws and fears, to be open-minded in accepting and supporting their friends in whatever they're dealing with, and to truly connect with each other.

We've all been there, dealing with break-outs and breakups, trying to stay true to our faith when social pressures make it challenging, and navigating our teenage years to become who we'll be.

It's so much better when we can be our true, authentic selves. And learn to be real.

Natasha Bure poured her heart into this book, Let's Be Real, and shared the reality of her life. She tore away the mask that people like to keep in place through social media or just plain old imagination. Natasha shared her struggles, her hurts, her failures. She put herself out there. And it was amazing! I could not put Let's Be Real down. It was full of funny stories, good advice, and just down-to-earth-ness that makes this "self-help" sort of book go down easily. Nothing to get stuck in your craw because this book doesn't point fingers. It's real. I love how boldly Natasha shared her faith through every chapter. And I love her approach to self-esteem by differentiating a good self-image and a boastful spirit. I definitely recommend this book! I hope you can get your hands on a copy! I've been wanting to read this since it came out, and finally ordered it on ThriftBooks. Totally worth it!!!!

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