Ибо так возлюбил Бог мир, что отдал Сына Своего Единородного, дабы всякий верующий в Него, не погиб, но имел хизнь вечную.
While I receive many books in exchange for review, I am never required to leave a positive review. All thoughts and opinions are my very own.

Friday, August 2, 2019

Blog Tour/Review: Spindle Dreams by Kirsten Fichter

Marita Kadlec is the only daughter of Rohesia's poorest – and laziest – weaver. Her father prefers to spend his days gambling in the tavern, leaving the spinning up to Marita. She hates the family business because she's constantly pricking her finger on the spindle. She'd much rather be tinkering on an invention that she hasn't had the courage to show anyone yet. A special invention that will rid her of spinning for the rest of her life. 

Felix is a young nobleman plagued with the same nightmare – a giant machine, twisting and clanking, shrouded in fire, bent on pain and death. He's determined to find out what it means, no matter where the answers may lead him. 

This is Sleeping Beauty with a twist like you've never seen it before.
     I'm nowhere near knowing where to start with this review. Perhaps, I'll start with saying that if you haven't read The Rose and The Balloon, you're missing out on a wonderful Beauty and the Beast retelling. I loved it. But somehow it can't compare. Spindle Dreams is beyond anything I expected from it. And I knew it was going to be lovely. (Side note: Of course, as always, there are perks to having read book one first, but you will be just fine if you jump into the series with Spindle Dreams.) First of all, let's start with how somehow Kirsten managed to write an enchanting fairytale with absolutely no enchantments. (Reminds me of the style of Melanie Dickerson, but shorter) And though it is a retelling all her own, snatches of the classic tale are thrown in and make you want to squeal in delight. What got me, though... Well, that would be the fact that every time I thought I had the story pegged- IT BLOOMING FLIPPED ON ME AND I WAS BEING SHOCKED!!!! The dynamics between all of the characters were absolutely spot on, and there's a heavy dose of humor, mostly caused by one of my favorite characters, Samson. And I swear if I don't get my sequel reasonably soon, I'll start flying hot air balloons and serving rose petal soup, because that epilogue got me GOOD, okay?
      Yes, sorry, was I ranting? What I meant to say was, "Wow, I loved this book. Five stars were earned, and I willingly bestow them."

I received an ARC of this book from the author, but the opinions expressed were honestly my own!


  1. Thank you so much for your thoughtful review!! I'm so glad you enjoyed it!! :D :D

    HAHA! OK! Story to tell you: My mother-in-law just read Spindle Dreams and really enjoyed it. She got to the epilogue, and was like, "What's this?" After reading it, she threatened to take my daughter until I'd written the third book. And she declared that I've ruined her for epilogues until the end of time. XD My hope is to not let people wait in agony too long before the next one.

    1. I mean... It might increase productivity not having Ani underfoot... ;)

  2. This sounds like a captivating read with unexpected twists.
