Ибо так возлюбил Бог мир, что отдал Сына Своего Единородного, дабы всякий верующий в Него, не погиб, но имел хизнь вечную.
While I receive many books in exchange for review, I am never required to leave a positive review. All thoughts and opinions are my very own.

Friday, December 16, 2016

Review: Cowgirl Under the Mistletoe by Louise M. Gouge (Blogmas 16)

In this book, the main characters are Micah and Grace. He's the local pastor, and she, well, she's the lady deputy. He's looking for a woman who would make an ideal pastor's wife, and she never expects that any man would love her, especially since she's taller than most of them in her small western town. Only, they are desperately I love with each other, and afraid to admit to themselves.

This book gets 4.5 stars.

1: It did take a couple of chapters for me to really get into it. Also the chapters are pretty long, 20 or so pages some of them.

2: I love especially the romance between Grace and Micah. It is so super sweet, and it started of with a very firm foundation in rock solid friendship with lots of teasing and bantering.

3: Also, this is a mystery. A group of outlaws comes hunting for Grace, due to her helping them to be arrested three years earlier. ( that happened in another book in this series, but it wasn't really necessary to read the other three before this one.)

4: I love how Electra ( not the best name choice for sure) changed as the story progressed. She was super annoying for a while there, but at the end of the book I was seriously hoping that she and Grace would be great friends.

5: This book also had some great scripture references, and a super clear salvation bit in there. And it was really nice, and worked well with the story, not shoved in there desperately. I liked it! A lot!

Happy Blogmas guys! Hope you enjoyed this review, and all the posts so far. I plan to do at least one more recipe, probably two, before Christmas, and also have two more Christmas book reviews planned.

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