Ибо так возлюбил Бог мир, что отдал Сына Своего Единородного, дабы всякий верующий в Него, не погиб, но имел хизнь вечную.
While I receive many books in exchange for review, I am never required to leave a positive review. All thoughts and opinions are my very own.

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Pictures from last week's trip!

So, yeah. I totally meant to put these pictures up on Sunday or Monday or something, but that didn't happen. Now I'm actually going to do them. You can enjoy these pictures while I'm at the beach with my best friend, soaking up some sun... You know. Also, reading lots of books. (Mom packed three books, I've got four, plus all my ebooks on my phone, and yet I'm still trying to fit more books in my bag.)

(Oh, by the way, I WON'T be getting "gorgeously tanned", I'll be burning. Like a marshmallow held too close to the flames.)

I left the house at 3 (Bleh!) to catch my flight. The sunrise was gorgeous though, and they fed me my favorite airplane fare. (Shoutout to American Air!)

First stop, after I got picked up in Boston, (Well, besides Dunkin', cause New England runs on Dunkin', not even lying!) was Mystic Aquariums. The Beluga whales were so adorable and playful. I got to touch a ray for the first time, and my sister flipped over the pings (Penguins.)

We were in the Penguin gift shop, when suddenly Jaye yells, "Look at that ping! He's sooo RICH!"

Then Tuesday we started off with Animal Adventure Park, where we got to see April, Oliver, and Taj. And the most adorable baby camels ever!!!!!!!!! Oliver wasn't too happy since no one was giving him carrots though.

This place is the awesomest (I know that's not a real word but whatever) zoo ever. You could feed literally all the animals. (Albeit, sometimes you just tossed a grape down a tube so your hand didn't get bitten.)

Then the Crayola Experience, where we all got crayons with our name on them! It was so neat.

Taylor of Jaye wanted a picture with the huge mosaic of Scarlet. Taylor's really starting to "pose" for pictures, as you can tell by her feet.

Then Colonial Williamsburg Wednesday, which silly me forgot to take pictures of. It was really nice, but super hot. The highlight of the day might have been when Jaye caused a guy to come out of character to rescue his ruler from her.

We had a great trip, and I wish I had taken more picture. Honestly though, with a kid holding each hand, it was a miracle I got what I got. Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed this post as much as I enjoyed sharing it with you.

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