Ибо так возлюбил Бог мир, что отдал Сына Своего Единородного, дабы всякий верующий в Него, не погиб, но имел хизнь вечную.
While I receive many books in exchange for review, I am never required to leave a positive review. All thoughts and opinions are my very own.

Sunday, January 21, 2018

New Blog Color Guys!

Tell me really, do you like this new color scheme? Here's a pic of the old one.

I kinda like the map on the brown one though! I've been thinking about changing the colors for a while but never did.
Sound off in the comments!


  1. I like it! :D It feels very homey. <3

  2. About the blog color change. I tried to go back and read a few of your older posts, but the colors of the type against the brown background make it impossible to read.. sniff

    1. That has to do with copy/paste and other things. I'm working on slowly fixing them. Hopefully, that will eventually not be a problem anymore!
