Ибо так возлюбил Бог мир, что отдал Сына Своего Единородного, дабы всякий верующий в Него, не погиб, но имел хизнь вечную.
While I receive many books in exchange for review, I am never required to leave a positive review. All thoughts and opinions are my very own.

Friday, May 15, 2020

A Twist of Rapunzel Blog Tour: Author Interview: Kendra E Ardnek

Today, the author of Misfortune has graciously done an author interview. I'm so glad to have Kendra here today! I hope you enjoy getting to know a little more about Misfortune through this interview. Be sure to check out the other stops today which will be linked at the bottom, and don't forget that I'll be reviewing Diamond and Misfortune in the next two days! It's been a blast.

Thanks so much for coming today, Kendra!

1. What was the best part about working on Misfortune?
Getting to weave two very different stories into one cohesive whole. I think I did a pretty good job, but I'll let readers be the judge of that.

2. What was the biggest struggle with Misfortune?
I actually lost the first three chapters immediately upon writing them! I was able to recover only the first, and it took me forever to recover the motivation to power through and rewrite those chapters and power through the rest of the story.

3. Who is your favorite Misfortune character? Why?
Misha. I like mysterious old grandfather mentor characters who know a lot more than they let on.

4. What inspired you the most in the writing of Misfortune?
The word count meter? I had a story I wanted to write, and so I wrote it. Quite a bit of it on an exercise bike, actually...

5. Which of your characters is most like you?
Delshad, maybe? It's a very small cast and it didn't receive any self-inserts this time. I suppose I wrote the daughter of blood and misfortune to represent anyone who has ever felt like they're unworthy for any reason, and that's something that I have struggled with at several points in my life. We are worthy in the eyes of God, every one of us.

6. Which character was the hardest to write?
Also Misha. I just always find it to be a bit of a struggle when I write characters who were real people - in this case, he was based on Daniel. He's not the real Daniel, hence the name change, but still ...

Also writing a character that didn't have an actual name was difficult, especially since Delshad refused to refer to her as the daughter of blood and misfortune. 

7. What is the hardest part about self-publishing? What are the biggest rewards?

I have to do everything myself - but it puts me in direct relationship with my readers and I retain full creative control, so ... win win!

So much fun! Thanks, Kendra!

May 15 
Kirsten Fichter – The Girl Named Diamond 
Live. Love. Read – Kendra 
Rambling Rose – Misha 
Light and Shadows – Misfortune 
Madi’s Musings – Diamond 

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